Saturday, September 24, 2011

Bread Bag

Since I started making bread more often, I've discovered that it smells wonderful, tastes better, and I have no place to put it.  It doesn't really fit in a gallon ziploc.  I've reuse store-bought bread bags, but after a couple times of using them, I'm afraid things might grow in it.  My host family in Germany had a nice wooden bread box, but those aren't as common here.  Some plastic food storage containers that might work, but is that the best way?  I took to the internets to find a solution.
does this make my bread look fake?

There's a couple differences between homemade and storebought bread: preservatives and pre-slices.  Storebought pre-sliced bread would probably dry out super quick if it wasn't in a plastic bag.  For homemade bread, particularly fresh out of the oven bread, plastic bags promote moisture that can make the bread soggy and moldy. It is actually good to have a small amount of air circulating around the bread. Paper bags work well, but I don't have any large enough.*  Apparently, people on the internets love fabric bread bags for homemade bread. They allow the bread to "breathe" a bit so they have a crispy crust but don't completely dry out or get moldy.

Everyone on the internet who has ever had the idea to store bread in a cloth bag apparently has a bunch of linen tea towels lying around the house.  They don't require any finishing and depending on how one folds it, can be made into a baguette bag or a loaf bag.  I don't have any linen towels.  I used cotton fabric I have lying around.  I have no idea if there are any benefits to using any particular type of fabric because I couldn't find any one who hadn't used a tea towel. 

it feels nautical themed.
Using some scrap fabric, I cut out a length of cloth about the size of a hand towel, serged any edges that might ravel, and made a simple drawstring bag with some scrap cording I had (would have used a shoelace but I didn't have any on hand).  Since all loafs will have some height to them, I squared off the end.  I'll probably make at least one more so I can always have a clean one on hand.  

*In the Northwest, paper grocery bags are normal.  I have not seen one since moving to the South.

1 comment:

crosshatch said...

Agree about all the bread bag patterns starting with tea towels. I was looking for a knitting pattern but the use of tea towels is so uniform that it seems like the Thing to Do.